The Delicate Balance
Coming Catastrophic Changes
On Planet Earth
by John Zajac
Chapter Page
- Introduction
- The Prophets: Washington, Nostradamus, and John
- Financial Instability: Motives, Debt, and Automation
- Global Instability: Flood, Famine, and Earthquakes
- Evidence of a Supernatural Being: Pyramids, Dogons, and Fatima
- Conclusion
For now, consider the argument that if you saw, met, or spoke with God, and then you ever did anything against His law, you would have no excuse. Right now we are allowed to make mistakes because we do not have all the evidence. But what about the evidence we do have? It takes several dramatic forms; we will examine three.
Although Egypt has dozens of pyramids, there is only one Great Pyramid: the Pyramid of Giza. What differentiates the Great Pyramid from the other pyramids? In a word, the Great Pyramid is “perfect.” It is also highly symbolic, as discussed later.
From a purely engineering standpoint, consider what makes it unique. First, the Pyramid of Giza is unlike all the other pyramids in its size: his gigantic. The features are so large that they can be seen from the moon. The structure is 30 times larger than the Empire State Building. Its base covers 13.6 acres (equal to 7 midtown Manhattan city blocks), with each side greater than 5 acres in area. It is the sole remnant of the seven wonders of the world and is the oldest structure in existence. The Great Pyramid is the biggest building ever designed, and it will most likely always remain so. From the equivalent volume contained within it, a highway lane 8 feet wide and 4 inches thick could be built from San Francisco to New York. Just consider all that masonry in one place (see Figure V-i).
All the other pyramids in Egypt are copies of the Great Pyramid. Although the Egyptians have taken credit for building the Great Pyramid, did they design and engineer it? The structure was built before any other pyramid and was started 4,611 years ago. No other pyramid has duplicated its size, construction, meaning, or purpose. The other pyramids were built by Pharaohs, with their great armies of slaves, as tombs for preserving their bodies. As burial sites, pyramids were filled with great treasures for the afterlife, and the structures were monuments to their greatness. The Great Pyramid contains no Pharaoh’s body, no treasure chamber, and no treasure. Then what was its purpose? What is its mystery?
Suppose these beings decided to Leave a message. The message would have to be universal yet simple. It would have to survive the centuries and to be understood by all the inhabitants of the Earth despite language and cultural differences. The message would have to be understood by many languages that would not come into existence for centuries after the message was written. The message indicates that whoever built the pyramid knew the Earth well: the length of the year, the radius of curvature, the standard measurement techniques, the average height of the continents, and the center of the land mass. They were able to construct something that we still cannot construct today, and they were able to tie all these things together in this single structure. Were they extraterrestrial or supernatural? The answer is not yet clear. However, so far we have examined only the outside of the pyramid.
To examine the inside of the pyramid, one would normally pass through the single entrance, which was originally fitted with a hinged stone door. This door was a 20-ton stone that fit so precisely that even when the Arabs discovered where it was located and how it was hinged, they could not find it without difficulty.
Aware of treasures found in other pyramids, the Arab Al Manun forced his way into the Great Pyramid in 820 A.D. Finding chisels to be of little value against such a large mass of limestone, his men used the heat of fires and the thermal shock of pouring vinegar over the rock, to fracture the stones. Large battering rams were used to break the fractured stones into removable pieces. Al Manun started his tunneling at the approximate center of the north face, where legend said a passage was hidden. To keep his workers motivated, Al Manun told stories of treasure, but his real interest was the legend claiming that the pyramid contained the past and future history of the world.
As they slowly battered into the pyramid, a stone was heard to fall to the left of their forced tunnel. They dug to the source of the sound, which led them to a descending passage and the entrance door on its far end. They were able to push the door open, but when it closed behind them, they could not reopen it because it fit so perfectly. They had to send somebody back through the excavated hole to push the door open again.
The sacred Jewish inch has meaning beyond measurement of distances. The Bible often uses substitutions such as days for years. If we consider the representation of years by inches, the pyramid takes on an entirely new meaning. As a means to record time, the pyramid used stone inches to measure time in years, where 1 inch equals 1 year.
The only scribings in the pyramid, which are in the Descending Passage, depict the year 2141 B.C. This is the year that the last Pole Star was aligned with the Descending Passage. The pyramid was built 4,612 years ago in 2623 B.C. (Since there was never a year zero, an additional year must be subtracted.) One can only postulate what is signified in sacred inches from the entrance of the pyramid to the markings depicting the alignment of the Pole Star-482 inches, thus 482 years later. However, from the point representing building of the pyramid to the point where the Descending Passage meets the Ascending Passage is exactly 1,170 inches, which exactly marks the year of the Jewish exodus from Egypt in 1453 B.C. (see Figure v-i 1).
In all the other pyramids built by the Egyptians, the Pharaoh who directed construction of his burial tomb had his name inscribed over the monument along with other hieroglyphics. There are no Pharaohs’ names, no hieroglyphics, no writings at all, and no treasure in the Great Pyramid. Also this structure is the only pyramid to have chambers above ground level. From the beginning of the Ascending Chamber to the beginning of the Main Gallery is 1,485 inches. If 1,485 is added to the date of the exodus of the Jews from Egypt (start of the Ascending Passage), the result (if fractions of an inch are taken into account) is April 3, 33 A.D., the crucifixion of Christ and the start of the Main Gallery.
The intersection of the Queen’s Chamber floor with the floor of the of the Ascending Passage, at its opening into the Grand Gallery creates a triangle. The triangle’s length along the Ascending Passage of 33.512 Jewish inches places the intersection of the Queen’s Chamber floor and the Ascending Passage at September 29, 2 B.C., the date of the birth of Christ (see Figure v-i 2).
Our calendar contains a two-year error. When historians originally attempted to count backward to the birth of Christ, they did so by accounting for the Reign of Kings. One of the kings counted was actually ruler of his country twice, the second time under a different name for a period of two years. When the years of rule were counted, this king’s reign was counted twice: once for the total time of his reign and once for the period when he ruled under a different name.38
Coincidentally, the horizontal base of the triangle in the pyramid is 30.043 inches, or 3.469 inches short of the crucifixion, which corresponds to the date of October 14, 29 A.D., the date of Christ’s baptism. Over 4,600 years ago and over 1,000 years before the first book of the Bible was written, the Ascending Passage exactly depicted in inches (years) and fractions of an inch the exodus of the Jews, and the birth, baptism, and crucifixion of Christ. All that was stored in a stone structure with no written message on it.
In fact, the angle of the Ascending Passage above the horizontal (260 18′ 9.63″) can be applied to a map of the area so that a line is drawn 260 18′ 9.63″ above the horizontal (east-west) line that bisects the pyramid (see Figure V-13). This line then depicts the beginning and the end of the exodus of the Jews from where they were delivered from the Egyptians at the Red Sea (Reeds Sea) to the crossing of the Jordan River into the Promised Land. This line also passes directly through the town of Bethlehem, the birthplace of Christ. As incredibly precise as this may seem, the pyramid actually pinpoints Christ’s birthplace along this line, which could pass through many different villages.
In present-day global navigation, it is recognized that on round surfaces, the shortest distance between two points is part of an arc, and that distance is measured not in feet or inches, but in nautical miles. A nautical mile is approximately 6,076 feet. In old Jewish measurement, a furlong, which is 8,000 Jewish inches, was the equivalent measurement for large distances. As shown earlier, the pyramid has an astronomically fixed date, which corresponds to the only past alignment of a Pole Star to the Descending Passage. This alignment occurred in 2141 B.C. As shown in the Ascending Passage, Christ was born in the year 2 B.C.-an event 2,139 years in the future of the Pole Star alignment. If we continue to recognize the interrelationship of time and distance, and we measure 2,139 furlongs from the pyramid along the great arc, we would again come to Bethlehem. Thus, the birthplace of Christ is not just a place depicted by a line, but a precise location pinpointed by the intersection of a direction line and a time line that were cast in stone 2,139 years before the event. Obviously, a Supernatural Being would possess the wherewithal to have details work out as planned and would not be prone to great accidents.*
When the Christ Angle is superimposed over a map of the Great Pyramid and the Holy Land, the birthplace of Jesus can be identified.