Mis-Education lays the foundation to everything we do, think, feel, imagine, and how we act. The bible talks about us being asleep. While we were dead asleep according to Matthew 25 and 13, we were not conscious of the truth and reality. We were fed flagrant deception in almost every aspect of life.
According to the Mis-Education of the Negro by Carter G. Woodson. In fact, it is a sequel of slavery. It has been made possible by our system of mis-educating innocent people who did not know what was happening. It is so subtle that men have participated in promoting it without knowing what they were doing. This is a self-perpetuating system of control that has highjacked true education and replaced it with miseducation. They use accreditation and our curriculum system to enslave people’s minds. This mental and spiritual slavery we find ourselves in today is equal to and something worse than the slavery of our forefathers. This all became possible under our system of learning and education which is in reality the miseducation of the masses through Social Engineering.
It trains innocent people to get degrees and those who do not really know what is happening to them until it is too late. It is so subtle and imperceptible that we participate in promoting this Social Engineering without even knowing what we are doing. After receiving so many degrees in education, we hate to hear and find out that we are part of the problem, innocently. Most are not conscience enough to figure out how to get out of this present-day dilemma. This website is designed to introduce present truth for our time and to help us in our present-day dilemma.