Click on books below for Table of Content and Introduction
People of Color In The Bible (Volume 1) Establishing A Foundation:
Paperback Perfect bound ($40.00) & E-Book form ($20.00)
Through the use of maps, charts, scripture quotations, genealogies, geography and historical documentation, Dr. Emanuel identifies numerous People of Color In The Bible. Additionally, he cites their contributions to biblical history. People Of Color In The Bible is unique due to its extensive use of graphics. This book is framed in easy-to-read language and it contains over 250 scripture quotations. This volume contains ten or more quiz questions for each of its seven chapters. These questions are suitable for class work, homework and/or examination purposes, thus rendering this work an excellent TEXTBOOK for home schools, church schools, Sabbath school and Sunday schools. It’s also a superb resource for in-depth personal Bible study. Colleges and academies use this work as a supplemental textbook for World History, World Literature, African-American History courses and for Old and New Testament classes too!
Matching YouTube Videos Series

Click on books for statement of Purpose and for Sample pages in the coloring booking.
People of Color In The Bible Work Book/Coloring Book Collection: By William Emanuel, D.D., D. Eng. and Renee Emanuel
The Creation Story Set: (3 book set @ $15.00 per set)
This collection masterfully reveals that the Holy Bible is more than a book of religious instruction — and so much more.
In this series we develop a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) curriculum which also includes, geography, history, astronomy, zoology, chemistry and health are cleverly explored. Over 100 scripture references are included. Discover not only what God (El-o-him) created, but His possible reasons for doing so. Learn planetary names and bird identification clues. Learn why it’s important to drink water, why we need sunlight and a host of other things. Each volume is complete with supplemental quiz questions. These questions are suitable for class work, homework and/or examination purposes, thus rendering this work an excellent TEXTBOOK for home schools, church schools, vacation bible schools, Sabbath schools and Sunday schools. Intended for children in the elementary and middle school grade levels.
Matching YouTube Videos Series

Family Hang Out

Click on books below for Table of Content and Introduction
The Black Male’s Survival Manual: ($14.00)
This book is a strategy for helping the embattled black male to win. After decades of living and working in the Black community, Dr. Jones takes a review of the Black male and his needs. He goes beyond highlighting the crisis, but boldly and courageously tells us what we need. We invite you to dig into this
The Black Male’s Survival Manual: ($14.00)
This book is a strategy for helping the embattled black male to win. After decades of living and working in the Black community, Dr. Jones takes a review of the Black male and his needs. He goes beyond highlighting the crisis, but boldly and courageously tells us what we need. We invite you to dig into this gold mine of insights to add to your arsenal of offensive strategies.
gold mine of insights to add to your arsenal of offensive strategies.
Making Peace in Your Marriage: ($15.00)
Distorted thinking and faulty beliefs can create intense feelings of dissatisfaction within a marriage. Pertinent themes like making peace with your past, when victims marry, how men and women compare and critical concerns of married women are candidly
Making Peace in Your Marriage: ($15.00)
Distorted thinking and faulty beliefs can create intense feelings of dissatisfaction within a marriage. Pertinent themes like making peace with your past, when victims marry, how men and women compare and critical concerns of married women are candidly discussed as are numerous other topics.
discussed as are numerous other topics.
A Door Of Hope For The Wounded Black Family: ($17.00)
This book intervenes in problematic relationships. It explores the rich African heritage. It examines the impact of the slavery experience & offers numerous strategies to help improve self-concept &
A Door Of Hope For The Wounded Black Family: ($17.00)
This book intervenes in problematic relationships. It explores the rich African heritage. It examines the impact of the slavery experience & offers numerous strategies to help improve self-concept & interpersonal relationships.
interpersonal relationships.

Parenting with Pleasure: ($17.00)
This book deals with two main issues that concern parents today: 1) The spiritual, emotional, social, intellectual & physical needs of parents and 2) The needs of children. Concrete suggestions are given to help parents understand their child’s growth &
Parenting with Pleasure: ($17.00)
This book deals with two main issues that concern parents today: 1) The spiritual, emotional, social, intellectual & physical needs of parents and 2) The needs of children. Concrete suggestions are given to help parents understand their child’s growth & development. Parenting strategies are also given.
development. Parenting strategies are also given.

Golden Keys to Black Family Relationships: ($13.00)
Provides a refreshing, practical view of God’s law and how they promote loving harmonious relationships particularly within the African-American family. This volume focuses on the concepts of family dynamics and precepts, the two great rules for love and the ten
Golden Keys to Black Family Relationships: ($13.00)
Provides a refreshing, practical view of God’s law and how they promote loving harmonious relationships particularly within the African-American family. This volume focuses on the concepts of family dynamics and precepts, the two great rules for love and the ten principles of right living.
principles of right living.

Why Not ME?
By: Gladys Milton
This is the personal story of a courageous & compassionate woman & an account of her life’s effort to provide women with affordable health care. After 33 years of service, the State wanted to revoke her
Why Not ME?
By: Gladys Milton
This is the personal story of a courageous & compassionate woman & an account of her life’s effort to provide women with affordable health care. After 33 years of service, the State wanted to revoke her midwife license.
ISBN # 0913990-87-6
Catalog #WN-10……..$10.00
midwife license.
ISBN # 0913990-87-6
Catalog #WN-10……..$10.00

They Stole It, But You Must Return It:
By Richard Williams Ed.D.
This is an excellent manual for the Black community. It looks at black slavery in America, and how this experience has affected the family & health of Black Americans today. It offers suggestions regarding how the Black family can become stronger & its members
They Stole It, But You Must Return It:
By Richard Williams Ed.D.
This is an excellent manual for the Black community. It looks at black slavery in America, and how this experience has affected the family & health of Black Americans today. It offers suggestions regarding how the Black family can become stronger & its members healthier.
Catalog # SI-12…………..$12.00
Catalog # SI-12…………..$12.00

Roots Race & Religion
Volumes 1, 2 & 3: ($21.00 per set)
This three volume set shows the many meaningful contributions blacks have made to society in all avenues of human achievements. The reader will share the trials & triumphs of our foreparents as they took the difficult trail from the plantation in search of
Roots Race & Religion
Volumes 1, 2 & 3: ($21.00 per set)
This three volume set shows the many meaningful contributions blacks have made to society in all avenues of human achievements. The reader will share the trials & triumphs of our foreparents as they took the difficult trail from the plantation in search of the future Paradise.
Catalog # RR-21……………$21.00
the future Paradise.
Catalog # RR-21……………$21.00

Through The Eyes of a Servant
By Cheryl Harris ($12.50 )
By divine appointment from God, This book was given to her both poetically & prophetically & has taken on the heart & spirit of the experiences often, but not exclusively, unique to women. Therefore, anyone who has an ear to hear, let them hear. This is a “must read”
Through The Eyes of a Servant
By Cheryl Harris ($12.50 )
By divine appointment from God, This book was given to her both poetically & prophetically & has taken on the heart & spirit of the experiences often, but not exclusively, unique to women. Therefore, anyone who has an ear to hear, let them hear. This is a “must read” keepsake for anyone who desires a deeper revelation of God’s many sides of provision & justice.
Catalog # ES-12…………………………$12.50
keepsake for anyone who desires a deeper revelation of God’s many sides of provision & justice.
Catalog # ES-12…………………………$12.50

Torches on the road of Passage
By Richard Williams Ed.D.
This book is about insight (torches) that may ahead light on the pathway of manhood and fatherhood particularly for the young black male. the torches are lit from three sources. These sources are: African proverbs and stories from a cross section of African
Torches on the road of Passage
By Richard Williams Ed.D.
This book is about insight (torches) that may ahead light on the pathway of manhood and fatherhood particularly for the young black male. the torches are lit from three sources. These sources are: African proverbs and stories from a cross section of African countries; Biblical proverbs and parables; and the author’s.
Catalog # TP-12…………………………$12.00
countries; Biblical proverbs and parables; and the author’s.
Catalog # TP-12…………………………$12.00

The Valley of the Dry Bones (The conditions that face Black people in America)
By Rudolph Windsor
This book is a fascinating compilation of history, anthropology, sociology and theology. In clear, limpid prose, Windsor tells the history of the black people, from biblical times until today. Drawing intensively
The Valley of the Dry Bones (The conditions that face Black people in America)
By Rudolph Windsor
This book is a fascinating compilation of history, anthropology, sociology and theology. In clear, limpid prose, Windsor tells the history of the black people, from biblical times until today. Drawing intensively upon the Bible and many works by eminent scholars in various disciplines, the author has created a work that is at once inspiring and intriguing.
Catalog # DB-11…………………………$11.00
upon the Bible and many works by eminent scholars in various disciplines, the author has created a work that is at once inspiring and intriguing.
Catalog # DB-11…………………………$11.00

When is the Next War?
By Rudolph Windsor
Just at a point when the world seems to be at the threshold of great technological advancements for mankind, our planet appears to be at the brink of total destruction. As the 21 Century approaches, our earth’s continents seem to be doomed to the fate of
the lost continent of Atlantis of ten thousand years ago, than to any hope of global peace and abundance. This can happen, unless people of valor and prudence of every race on earth, work for the elimination of weapons of mass destruction and at the same time practice a greater morality.
Catalog # NW-17……………………$17.00

From Babylon to Timbuktu
By Rudolph Windsor
A history of the ancient black race including the black Hebrews. Until comparatively recent times, knowledge that black Africa was the seat of highly evolved civilizations and cultures during a time when Europe stagnated was limited to a small group of
scholars. That great empires such as Ghana and late, Mail flouriched for centuries while Europe slept through its Dark Ages almost has been ignored by historians.
Cat. # BT-12…………………………$12.00
The Original African Heritage Study Bible:
King James Version ($60.00)
This Bible interprets biblical history as it relates specifically to persons of African descent thereby fostering an appreciation of multi-culturalism which is inherent in the Bible. “People of color” are visually depicted throughout its pages.

Countering the conspiracy to destroy Black Boys Volume 1
By Jawanza Kunjufu
This book clearly shows that African-American parents, teachers, administrators, business people – in fact, all members of the community – are part of the conspiracy and as such, have a role and
responsibility in countering the conditions that are destroying our youth and future.
ISBN: 0-913543-00-4
Catalog # DB1-05……………………..$5.00

Countering the conspiracy to destroy Black Boys Volume 2
By Jawanza Kunjufu
This book clearly shows that African-American parents, teachers, administrators, business people – in fact, all members of the community – are part of the conspiracy and as such, have a role and
responsibility in countering the conditions that are destroying our youth and future.
ISBN: 0-913543-03-9
Catalog # DB2-05……………………..$5.00

Countering the conspiracy to destroy Black Boys Volume 3
By Jawanza Kunjufu
This book clearly shows that African-American parents, teachers, administrators, business people – in fact, all members of the community – are part of the conspiracy and as such, have a role and
responsibility in countering the conditions that are destroying our youth and future.
ISBN: 0-913543-20-9
Catalog # DB3-07……………………..$7.00

The Destruction of Black Civilization
By Chancellor Williams
This book should be the basis for all the so-called Black Studies programs. This is the basis text, necessary for African mental development in the last part of the 20th century.
ISBN: 0-913543-20-9
Catalog # DBC-11……………………..$11.00

The Mis-Education of the Negro
By Carter G. Woodson
History shows that it does not matter who is in power… those who have not learned to do for themselves and have to depend solely on others never obtain any more rights or privileges in the end than they had in the beginning.
The Mis-Education of the Negro
By Carter G. Woodson
History shows that it does not matter who is in power… those who have not learned to do for themselves and have to depend solely on others never obtain any more rights or privileges in the end than they had in the beginning.
ISBN: 0-86543-171-X
Catalog # MED-10……………………..$10.00
ISBN: 0-86543-171-X
Catalog # MED-10……………………..$10.00

Precolonial Black Africa
By Cheikh Anta Diop
In this book, Diop compares the political and social systems of Europe and black Africa from antiquity to the formation of modern states. Those who read this book seriously are in for a shock and a rewarding experience in learning. This is a major work by a major
Precolonial Black Africa
By Cheikh Anta Diop
In this book, Diop compares the political and social systems of Europe and black Africa from antiquity to the formation of modern states. Those who read this book seriously are in for a shock and a rewarding experience in learning. This is a major work by a major Black Historian.
ISBN: 1-55652-088-3
Catalog # PBA-10……………………..$10.00
Black Historian.
ISBN: 1-55652-088-3
Catalog # PBA-10……………………..$10.00

Visions for Black Men
By NA’IM Akbar
This book raises issues which are not only important to black men but to all of us. How do we restore African manhood to those whom our society has not viewed as the chosen people? Discover the starling prediction of the mystical tradition of Ancient Africa –
Visions for Black Men
By NA’IM Akbar
This book raises issues which are not only important to black men but to all of us. How do we restore African manhood to those whom our society has not viewed as the chosen people? Discover the starling prediction of the mystical tradition of Ancient Africa – that the descendants of a once-great nation will rise again.
ISBN: 0-935227-01-2
Catalog # BM-10……………………..$10.00
that the descendants of a once-great nation will rise again.
ISBN: 0-935227-01-2
Catalog # BM-10……………………..$10.00