“And Ye Shall Know the Truth ”

Name of Presenter: Drew Smith
Title: Evangelist
Organization: City of Refuge (Western Maryland)
Title of Presentation: “And Ye Shall Know the Truth ”
Audiovisual Needs: Power Point Presentation & Projector.


Quote from: James L. Giles (President of New Life World Ministries)

The times in which we live are pivotal, prophetic, and enormously exciting. Futurists intone radical shifts in everything from the way money is made and spent; to the way business and our fundamental institutions are run. The way we shop, communicate, innovate, and educate will also be affected. Corporations are downsizing and virtualizing, while the 21 st century demands a highly skilled and technologically literate work force.

We are approaching a future where only one in four workers will be white males. A strategic plan is needed to prepare African-Americans and other people of color to make significant contributions towards improving the quality of life for all citizens of the global village.


  • In the Real Beginning
  • Ethiopia and Egypt
  • Contributions of Ethiopia and Africa
  • Blacks and Biblical Covenant
  • Africa’s Legacy of Prosperity
  • African Foundations of Christianity
  • The Black Hebrews
  • Africa and Early Christianity