by Wayne Perryman
by Wayne Perryman
The Curse of Ham
For the past 300 years men have debated as to what really happened in the tent of Noah, and who was actually cursed as a result of their actions. Many scholars in Western Christianity have taken the view that it was Ham and his black descendants who were cursed. The ridiculous reasons given went from one extreme to another.
Some claimed that Ham took advantage of his drunken father, Noah, and had a homosexual relationship with him. I Others said that Ham enjoyed observing his fathers nudity and made jokes about it to his brothers. Whatever the reason given, their wrong conclusions has had a devastating effect on the Black race over the years.
Many Christians used the alleged curse as legal grounds to outlaw marriages between Blacks and Whites. Others used it to deny Blacks the position of priesthood within their denomination, and still others used the curse theory to justify using Blacks as slaves.
Yes, the so called “Curse on Ham” was the inspiration and justification for the mistreatment of Blacks in America. The “Curse Theory” inspired new laws limiting a variety of opportunities to Blacks and justified city, state, and federal government’s to permit separate restrooms, restaurants, schools and drinking fountains. There was one set of facilities for Black people and another for all others. It inspired new studies and research to see why Blacks were inferior. It justified insensitive joke telling and other inhumane treatment directed toward blacks. Blacks felt there was no end to their nightmare.
The sad commentary to all of this was the fact that the “Curse Theory” was started by White Bible-believing Christians, who in turn introduced this theory to the rest of society. Even though they had no evidence to support the so-called curse, their story (based on circumstantial evidence), was persuasive enough to convince Blacks themselves that they were indeed the descendants of a cursed people.
How did they convince Blacks and others? They spent millions of dollars and used scholars from the major Christian publishers to interpret, twist, and stretch the meaning of Scripture. The theory of the curse became so mainstream that many of the top encyclopedias adopted the “Curse Theory.” No blacks were ready to challenge the encyclopedia. The general feeling was, if it’s in the encyclopedia, it must be true.
A question was asked: “If these scholars were required to submit solid evidence in a court of law to prove that Ham, the father of the Black race, had indeed committed an act so horrible that it resulted in a curse on him and his descendants, could they do it? We decided to hold a trial to see.
On July 26, 1993, a mock trial was held in the State of California, in the County of Orange, at the Friendship Baptist Church. Several hundred people, representing various racial groups, attended the trial and the lectures each day. The jury was stunned after hearing some of the most powerful evidence ever presented in a trial of this nature. The evidence presented by the defense included shocking facts from over 442 Scriptures.
This publication contains the modified transcripts of that mock trial as well as other supportive evidence which was offered in the week-long lecture series that followed the trial. This marks the first time in history that someone has stepped forward to defend Ham; it is also the first time in history that Ham has had an opportunity to tell his side of the story and to offer an explanation of what actually happened in his fathers tent. Because of this historical documents like those attending the actual trial, you too will be able to determine for the first lime, the guilt or innocence of Ham. We are confident you will thoroughly enjoy every element of this exciting trial.