Evangelist Drew Smith
As a member of Quinn Chapel A.M.E. Church in the year 1990, I had been involved in teaching adult Sunday School, Van driver, Street preaching, Prison Ministry & Substance Abuse Counselor. I officially accepted the call to preach the gospel on September 26, 1992 when I was licensed to preach in the African Methodist Episcopal Church. In pursuit of a greater relationship with the Holy Ghost, my wife and I prayed and fasted for God’s direction and He lead us out to Maranatha Church of God were we learned more about the Holy Spirit and our relationship to him.
As a member of Quinn Chapel A.M.E. Church in the year 1990, I had been involved in teaching adult Sunday School, Van driver, Street preaching, Prison Ministry & Substance Abuse Counselor. I officially accepted the call to preach the gospel on September 26, 1992 when I was licensed to preach in the African Methodist Episcopal Church. In pursuit of a greater relationship with the Holy Ghost, my wife and I prayed and fasted for God’s direction and He lead us out to Maranatha Church of God were we learned more about the Holy Spirit and our relationship to him.
I attended the Maranatha School of Discipleship, which help sharpen my teaching skills. On June 27, 1993, I became an official member of Maranatha Church of God. Just after membership I began to teach one of four Discipleship classes, the Foundation of Discipleship. Eventually I had the privilege of teaching about The Church Family, First Steps, The Christian Family & Evangelism, which is apart of the School of Discipleship. From the time of my membership until now, I have also served as an Administrative Elder, Member of the Board of Evangelism, Leader of Prayer Ministry, & Overseer of Ten Home Cell Groups. I have a son, three daughters and a lovely wife Joyce A. Smith.
Former Pastor of the Maranatha Outreach Church Ministry Beverly Health Care Center, for a period of 12 years. I taught about 40 men from various churches in my home for almost two years Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life by Donald S. Whitney.
Through the leading of the Holy Spirit I took my teaching gift to my community and taught an evangelistic teaching seminar which by inspiration of the Holy Spirit I entitled it How to Live Godly in Ungodly Times. Since then I have been asked to speak at retreats for some of the smaller local churches that need discipleship training. I also assist with teaching at the Manhood Training Retreat every spring, sponsored by the Faith of Jesus Center in Hagerstown Maryland.
In June 2004 I completed my first year of study with International Seminary were I received a Diploma of Practical Theology and in June 2005 I completed my second year of study and the Diploma of Advanced Theology and ordaination into the International Ministerial Association.
My Vision is to change the community for Christ, by teaching the men spiritual disciplines for Christian living so they will fulfill there call to be the Priest, Prophet, King, father & husband of there house which is their first church. I believe this is the work the Lord ordained for me to do and to establish a training center for men.
I am presently a member of City of Refuge Christian Church of Western Maryland and serve as a teacher and director of evangelism.