My 10 Days Daniel Fast Experience
My 10 Days Daniel Fast Experience
When Drew spoke to me concerning the fast, immediately I decided that I didn’t want to participate. I didn’t think I needed or wanted to fast for such a long time. A few days later, I began considering what my resolution would be for the coming year. I had a difficult time coming up with what I believed the Lord wanted me to work towards during the coming year. Then the Holy Spirit brought back to my remembrance the fasting invitation presented to me earlier. I then realized that it would require fasting and praying for the Lord to reveal what He desired of me in the coming year. The fast would be an opportunity to seek God’s will and guidance. So I make the decision to participate. Later on I invited my wife to fast along with me and she agreed.
I am not a veggie lover, my wife can testify to that. I would eat a small amount of vegetable at lunch or dinner only to set an example for the children. But I never have been an advocate for eating vegetables. So doing this fast was certainly a challenge for me. I also knew that my health was beginning to fad and I needed to do something about it.
To give an example, I was also able to exercise on the treadmill for up to an hour nonstop but recently I could not exercise for more then 15 minutes. I would experience shortness of breath and sometimes chest discomfort. I also began having joint pains, especially in the morning. I started to grow a stomach that always felt stuff and was becoming very large.
During the juice only period, I drank smoothies comprising of banana, mango, and papaya. Also included were pure juices such as orange, tomatoes, pomegranate, pineapple and apple. All of the juices were from natural sources.
The first day was very difficult. I had not fasted for awhile and the hunger was persistent and associated with headaches. When I finally got over the headaches and hunger, I had a difficult time sleeping. Ask my wife, I do not have any problems sleeping. I stayed awake for over 2 hours before falling asleep.
By the third day I felt stronger and appeared to have much more energy. My stomach size began to reduce and it was noticeable that I had started loosing weight. I felt more alert, energetic, and a much clearer thought process.
One day after the fasting ended I decided to add some can chicken breast to the vegetable salad I was eating. The following morning it was much more difficult to get out of bed and I felt very tired. I also started experiencing a little joint pain and felt very different overall. By Friday, which was the 4th day after the fast ended, I decided to eat a large bowl of cold cereal (Frosted Flakes). After I finish the cereal my mouth felt like it had been burned by hot water.
I started to exercise on the 6th day after the fast. I was able to exercise on the treadmill for 30 minutes without any chest discomfort. One problem I experienced during the fast was bile movements. It did not move as regularly as I expected. I used a natural tea laxative but it was slow to act. It was not very effective. I am still having problems with bile movement since I ended the fast. My stool is very hard. Beside this one problem, all is well.