Author and Lecturer William Emanuel

For Schedule details and directions

click in Schedule table on interested title, location or date.

List of Presentations:

To schedule a workshop or for more information contact:
The People of Color Training Center
1318 N. Main St Unit #1537
Summerville, SC 29483

Nationwide by appointment

Brief Description of Workshops

WORKSHOP 1: “People of Color In The Bible”

Two years later, he received an Honorary Doctor of Divinity (D.D.) degree from the Gospel Ministry Outreach (GMOR) Theological Institute in Houston, Texas. He was honored with the DD for his innovative view for the role of non-whites in the Bible. He authored the book “People of Color in the Bible Volume I: Preliminaries: Establishing a Foundation.” The book was accepted as his Dissertation for the GMOR Doctorial Program. A year later, he co-authored a Series of three Beginner and Children Books focused on The 9 Pathways (Principles or Laws) To Health & People of Color in the Bible. The three (3) book series is entitled: “People of Color in the Bible: Old Testament Collection.” From 2002 – 2204, he served as an Associate Supervising Pastor of the International Seminary Extension in Frederick MD, where he taught seminary students. He was very instrumental in helping his students graduate with an Associate Degrees in the Ministry and/or Theology.

Brief Description of Workshops

WORKSHOP 1: “People of Color In The Bible”

Two years later, he received an Honorary Doctor of Divinity (D.D.) degree from the Gospel Ministry Outreach (GMOR) Theological Institute in Houston, Texas. He was honored with the DD for his innovative view for the role of non-whites in the Bible. He authored the book “People of Color in the Bible Volume I: Preliminaries: Establishing a Foundation.” The book was accepted as his Dissertation for the GMOR

Doctorial Program. A year later, he co-authored a Series of three Beginner and Children Books focused on The 9 Pathways (Principles or Laws) To Health & People of Color in the Bible. The three (3) book series is entitled: “People of Color in the Bible: Old Testament Collection.” From 2002 – 2204, he served as an Associate Supervising Pastor of the International Seminary Extension in Frederick MD, where he taught seminary students. He was very instrumental in helping his students graduate with an Associate Degrees in the Ministry and/or Theology.


“Last Days Events And The New World Order”

This thought provoking series is guaranteed to stimulate discussion. A seven-part series, this workshop correlates national & international headlines with prophetic passages from scripture. Charts & other visual aids enhance the presentation making these intricate topics easily understood. Topics discussed are: 1) The New Order, 2) The Messiah’s Olivet discourse & the last generation, 3) A Sacred scroll “Sealed with Seven Seals,” 4) “The Seven Trumpets” & “Seven Plagues of the Apocalypse,” 5) God’s “Appointed Times” – Sealed in “Daniel” but unsealed & revealed in the Book of “Revelation,” 6) God’s “Prophetic Timetable” as revealed in the Sanctuary services and7) “Last Days Events” in chronological order.


“True Education vs Mis-Education & the African-American Community”

Professor Emanuel reveals how President Roosevelt commissioned Hollywood to become the official vehicle for disseminating propaganda in U.S.A. during World War II. He shows how propaganda & institutionalized racism have been used to brainwash the entire American public & destroy the African-American community. Additionally, he offers effective strategies for countering this onslaught.


“An African Wholistic Approach To Education”

Emanuel utilizes an African wholistic approach to education. Ancient Africans wrote & taught from this perspective which nurtures the entire person: mind, body & spirit, simultaneously. In this workshop, Emanuel models techniques for teaching health, biology, African geography & history. Biblical History & African History are shown to be synonymous. Africa is shown to be the cradle of civilization. He shows how the world has benefited from Africa’s natural resources & spiritual insights for millenniums. He describes the positive behavioral changes he’s witnessed in the African-American Children after having been exposed to this Africa Wholistic Education.


“An African Holistic Approach To Health”

Professor Emanuel differentiates between the usual American diet & a healthy diet and corrects erroneous ideas regarding each. He shows that a healthy diet & lifestyle can help one maintain & sometimes regain good health. Highlighted are various natural remedies proven successful in cases of high blood pressure, cancer & attention deficit disorder (A.D.D.) He acquaints African-Americans with simple dietary changes which could significantly improve their quality of life. He explains how internal parasites affect our health. Additionally, he acquaints his audience with natural ways to rid parasites from the body.


“Motivational Talks for Black Males, Youth & College Students”

Professor Emanuel describes his experience of growing up in New York City in the 70’s & how he became an electrical engineer, author, lecturer & publisher. He discusses the problems that confront youth, adults & Black males growing up in America. He tells how he’s dealt with these obstacles. Moreover he assures his listeners that they can become whatever they want despite the odds. He describes himself as a former “D” student due to poor study habits in elementary & high school. But, through the grace of God and the support of Black faculty members, he discovered himself and thereby maintained a “B+” GPA in college. He explains how he maintained this high grade point average which earned him a full scholarship in the field of Electrical Engineering: one of the most challenging fields in school.


“Health, Science & the Bible”

Professor Emanuel differentiates between the usual American diet & a healthy biblical diet & correct erroneous ideas regarding each. He shows that a healthy biblical diet & lifestyle can help one maintain & even often times regain good health. He examines the causes of disease as well as prevention from a biblical viewpoint. Highlighted are various natural remedies proven successful in cases of high blood pressure, cancer & attention deficit disorder (A.D.D.). He acquaints people with simple dietary changes which may significantly improve their lives.


To schedule a workshop or for more information contact:

The People of Color Training Center
1318 N. Main St Unit #1537
Summerville, SC 29483