For more information call:
(717) 435-4715
Name of Presenter: William Emanuel
Title: Director of the People of Color Training and Research Institute
Organization: The People of Color Training & Research Institute
1318 N. Main St Unit #1537 Summerville, SC 29483 (717) 435-4715
Title of Presentation: “People of Color in the Bible ”
Audiovisual Needs: Screen, slide projector & overhead projector.
Background of Speaker
Dr. William Emanuel is the Director of the People Of Color Training and Research Institute (POCTRI) for the education of all people. He started his spiritual walk in 1976 and began teaching Friday night Bible Studies at Howard University (HU) in 1978 while working toward his bachelor’s degree.
He earned a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree at Howard University in 1980. He received his Master of Science (MS) degree in 1986.
He received an Honorary Doctor of Divinity ( D. D.) degree from the Gospel Ministry Outreach (GMOR) Theological Institute in Houston, Texas in 1994. Dr. William Emanuel was honored with the DD for his innovative view for the role of non-whites in the Bible. He authored the book “People of Color in the Bible Volume I: Preliminaries: Establishing a Foundation.” The book was accepted as his Dissertation for the GMOR Doctorial Program.
A year later, he co-authored a Series of three Children Books focused on people of color in the Bible. The three (3) book series is entitled: “People of Color in the Bible: Old Testament Collection.” From 2002 – 2204, he served as an Associate Supervising Pastor of the International Seminary Extension in Frederick MD, where he taught seminary students. He was very instrumental in helping his students graduate with an Associate Degrees in the Ministry and/or Theology.
A number of colleges and private schools use these resources as primary and supplemental textbooks (including Oakwood College, Coppin State College, a Black Private High School in New York City, an AME High School in Baltimore and Cush Camp) including accompanying videos that are aired on some public access cable stations.
He is a native New Yorker, who has been teaching throughout the United States since 1978. He is currently working on Volume II of the People of Color in the Bible adult series, it will be entitled: “Repairing the Breach of the Past: Restoring and Raising up the Foundations of Many Generations.” He is planning to author another Book Series focusing on Last Days Events. This book series will be entitled: “Last Days Events In Light of Current Events.”
Brief Description of Workshops
“People of Color In The Bible”
Brief Description of Workshops
“People of Color In The Bible”
Many white and non-white Biblical scholars agree with author and lecturer William Emanuel that Jesus could not have been white! The Emanuel’s shows that most Biblical personalities were People Of Color. They show that awareness of this heightens self-esteem among People Of Color and helps to improve race relations. They will share enlightening facts they uncovered in they extensive research. They will reveal evidence pointing to the ethnicity of Adam, Eve, and other prominent Biblical personalities, including Jesus! They discovered that an acceptance of the issue of People Of Color In The Bible offers great benefits to all: self-esteem is heightened, racism is honestly addressed, drugs and violence are effectively countered.
Our objective is to correct erroneous information regarding African History and to provide a historical platform upon which to build positive self-esteem & leadership. To acquaint African-Americans with their rich heritage and legacy … most of which has been systematically concealed.
- Archeological findings, genetic studies and Biblical references prove that the first people on Earth were Africans.
- African-Hebrew connections & contributions to Judaism & Christianity.
- Ancient Africa’s superiority in regards to engineering, science & architecture as revealed by the Great Pyramid, Solomon’s Temple & The Sphinx.
- Examples of Biblical personalities who were, beyond a shadow of a doubt, People Of Color including King David, King Solomon, The Apostle Paul, Moses, Jesus and others.
- Biblical clues revealing the African origin of people in the Holy Land, which have been ignored by European scholars for centuries.